The Art of the Content Brief – Part One: Top Brand Tips for Writing a Great Brief

Whenever you are asking a travel writer to create content for you, a clear and unambiguous brief is vital. From the perspective of clients and editors, creating a thorough brief may seem like a lot of time and effort, but in the long term it’s an invaluable time-saving – and consequently, a great money-saving – tool. Getting your writer brief right should mean a quicker writer delivery, less editing work and, most importantly of all, a superior finished product.

So how do you go about crafting the perfect travel content brief? At World Words, we both work to detailed client briefs and create our own briefs for writers, so we can attest to the important of clear guidance. So, from setting carefully-considered word limits to making your SEO needs clear, and from providing writing samples to creating comprehensive a style guide, we’ve come up with our top tips for getting the most from your travel content brief.

(This is part one of our mini series on a travel briefs. Next month, we’ll look at how writers can follow client briefs).

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Our Travels: Easter Island

At World Words, we are very proud of our team’s extensive travel experience. You see, not only are all our writers and editors highly experienced in the worlds of journalism and marketing, they’re also uncommonly well-travelled. In fact, you won’t find many corners of the world that members of the World Words team have not visited. And we believe that this passion for travel and this personal experience gives our travel content unparalleled authenticity.

As regular readers of the Our Travels blog series will know, we like to share some of our most exciting trips with our readers. This month, it’s the turn of editor-in-chief Joe. Having previously written about travels to Belarus, The Gambia and Corsica (among others), he is now heading to one of the most remote places on earth. Easter Island.

Scroll down to read his thoughts about this extraordinary Pacific paradise…


Joe in front of Ahu Vai Uri, a platform in capital Hanga Roa which supports five very different moai.

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Spring Cleaning Your Travel Content

The world of travel is always changing, and what you once thought was evergreen content can become outdated in the blink of an eye. If you or your brand produces or commissions travel content, it’s vital to regularly take stock of what you’ve already got, what you still need, and what can be retired. This will help keep things neat, fresh and relevant. And if you are going to do some content spring cleaning, well, surely there’s no better time than spring?

If your website is home to a travel blog, destination guides, tour itineraries or any other types of travel content, we have some top tips for sprucing it up (and all just in time for the big pre-summer booking rush). Read on for more…

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Our Travels: The Gambia

Here at World Words, we don’t simply sit at our desks and conjure up ideas of far-flung places. We actually go and visit them. At any one time you’ll find our travel writers exploring pretty much every corner of the world. And when we do return to our desks, we love to share the tales of our adventures with the readers of the World Words blog.

That’s why we created the Our Travels blog series. So far, we have covered everywhere from Vancouver Island in Canada to Orccha in India, from Guatemala to Dubai. This month, it is the turn of editor-in-chief Joe – whose many previous pieces include Oman, Belarus and Iceland – to recall his most recent trip to the Republic of The Gambia.

From incredible wildlife resorts to truly unspoilt beaches, here’s his take on an extraordinary West African nation…


Joe outside his safari tent, with views of one of the Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Project islands.

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