Our Travels: Samburu Reserve, Kenya

We’re now almost halfway through 2020 and, let’s be honest, this has been a pretty disastrous year for travel. The outbreak of coronavirus around six months ago not just led to the cancelling of long-standing international holiday plans, but also prevented the kind of spontaneous, last-minute travels – both overseas and closer to home – that our intrepid team of travel writers love the most. It’s been a tricky time for anybody who likes to explore the world.

Luckily, while new trips have been thin on the ground, we have a locker-full of pre-pandemic adventures to share with you through the Our Travels blog series. Regular readers will have already seen accounts of exciting recent adventures covering destinations as varied as Mexico, Lebanon and Australia. This month, it’s the the turn of our editor-in-chef Joe, who recounts his safari trip to Kenya at the beginning of the year. Scroll down to read about it…

A coalition of four cheetahs get to work devouring an impala in Samburu National Reserve.

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Our Travels: The Gambia

Here at World Words, we don’t simply sit at our desks and conjure up ideas of far-flung places. We actually go and visit them. At any one time you’ll find our travel writers exploring pretty much every corner of the world. And when we do return to our desks, we love to share the tales of our adventures with the readers of the World Words blog.

That’s why we created the Our Travels blog series. So far, we have covered everywhere from Vancouver Island in Canada to Orccha in India, from Guatemala to Dubai. This month, it is the turn of editor-in-chief Joe – whose many previous pieces include Oman, Belarus and Iceland – to recall his most recent trip to the Republic of The Gambia.

From incredible wildlife resorts to truly unspoilt beaches, here’s his take on an extraordinary West African nation…


Joe outside his safari tent, with views of one of the Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Project islands.

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