If you need to create great travel content at the drop of a hat, it’s helpful to have built up a good store of ideas to draw on. And you’ll find that your own travels can be great starting point for a whole range of content ideas. The fact is, the concepts that make the most compelling pieces are often the ones that draw on your own experience.
Even if the holiday you’re about to go on might not seem like it’s going to be worth writing about, you just can’t know until you’ve been. That upcoming camping weekend in Wales could end up providing the source material for an irresistible pitch, a dazzling post for your company blog or even an award-winning travel feature (aim high!)
All too often, however, the key details that can make the difference between good and great travel writing end up lost in transit. That’s why it’s so important to gather everything you may need for your content during the trip itself.
Whether it’s you or a colleague that’s going away, follow our tips to turn the travel experiences into killer content…