Monthly Archives: April 2020

How To Transform Your Run-of-the-Mill Holiday into Compelling Travel Content

If you need to create great travel content at the drop of a hat, it’s helpful to have built up a good store of ideas to draw on. And you’ll find that your own travels can be great starting point for a whole range of content ideas. The fact is, the concepts that make the most compelling pieces are often the ones that draw on your own experience.

Even if the holiday you’re about to go on might not seem like it’s going to be worth writing about, you just can’t know until you’ve been. That upcoming camping weekend in Wales could end up providing the source material for an irresistible pitch, a dazzling post for your company blog or even an award-winning travel feature (aim high!)

All too often, however, the key details that can make the difference between good and great travel writing end up lost in transit. That’s why it’s so important to gather everything you may need for your content during the trip itself.

Whether it’s you or a colleague that’s going away, follow our tips to turn the travel experiences into killer content…

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From Argentina to Venice: Our Magazine Features for Travelsphere World – Pt. 1

At World Words, we get asked to work on all kinds of travel content, from eye-catching website copy to inspiring blog posts, in-depth destination guides to detailed travel itineraries. But one of our favourite things to do is write travel feature articles for newspapers and magazines. That’s because it allows us to get creative and descriptive, bringing all our global expertise to the fore and inspiring readers to book adventures to exciting, far-flung lands.

Naturally, we were delighted when Travelsphere, who we’ve previously helped with their catalogue copy, asked us to help produce some features for their Travelsphere World Magazine. The aim was to write articles that were inspiring, exciting and educational, while also linking to tour itineraries that were on offer in their latest brochure.

Over the course of a month, we wrote several articles of varying lengths about destinations all around the world, from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. Scroll on down to read extracts from three – with links to read more.

(Three other Travelsphere World Magazine articles will follow in another blog post shortly. Watch this space.)

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Our Travels: Lebanon

The experienced travel writers at World Words don’t just sit at their desk and write – they get out and travel the world too. At least, they do when there isn’t a global coronavirus pandemic. Whether busy researching stories or just having fun, they’ve ventured to all four corners of the globe, from The Azores to Alaska, Australia to Andorra.

(And those are just the As – there are plenty more where they came from).

In the Our Travels blog series, we share a taste of some of the places we’ve recently visited, and find out exactly what it is we loved about them. In this month’s blog, we will hear from travel writer Jennifer, who recently travelled to Lebanon and was astonished by the beauty of the country and its people. Scroll down to read about her trip…

Watching the sun set over the Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve, to the north of Jezzine.

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