Our Travels: Cornwall, England

All of us at World Words are lucky enough to count ourselves as very well-travelled. It’s our greatest passion, and our wanderlust is at the heart of everything we do – and everything we write. Between us, we’ve crisscrossed the globe, venturing to incredible destinations and far-flung hidden treasures whose names are difficult to pronounce.

Naturally, then, the Our Travels blog series is something dear to our hearts, as it allows us tell our personal travel stories. Regular readers of this blog will already have heard our tales from such varied places as Belarus, Oman and Japan. Yet sometimes we venture only a couple of hours from home, to explore what’s right on our doorstep.

In this month’s blog, staff content writer Samantha Wilson recounts a long weekend with her family near Fowey in the heart of Cornwall. That’s in the south west of England, for the uninitiated. Scroll down to read all about her trip.

Sam with her pet beagle and two-year-old daughter on the River Fowey in Cornwall.

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The Best Bargain London Markets: An Online Travel Guidebook for Buggl

Spring is just around the corner in our part of the world, which means it’s times to emerge from our indoor cocoons, shed our winter wear and brave the big bad world outside.

That’s why, when writing our latest series of London guides for travel guide website Buggl, we thought we’d turn our attention to the great outdoors and give a run-down of the capital’s best outdoor markets. Markets are something London does rather well, from Columbia Road’s striking bevy of blooms to the long-running Petticoat Lane Market and its stacks of brightly coloured textiles and clothing.

Of course, it’s not the first time we’ve shared our London secrets with Buggl. In the past, we’ve produced online travel guides showcasing city highlights ranging from East London’s best curry houses to best theatres outside the West End, as well as the great London parks for when you need to escape the city’s concrete and crowds.

Planning a spot of shopping in London? Scroll down for our insider selection of our recommended markets. To see this travel guide in its entirety, head over to the Buggl website, where you can download it free of charge.

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Discovery Blog: Top 10 Activities in South East England This Christmas

It’s that time of year again; when the wrapping paper comes out of the drawer, the mince pies are bought in bulk and everyone starts getting a little sick of the John Lewis advert. But Christmas should be about more than gift-related chores, unavoidable shopping and depressed penguins. This is a time to have fun with friends and family.

That’s why, when approached by holiday rental company Discovery Holiday Homes to create a series of monthly blogs for their website, we decided to start by looking at the brilliant activities available during the festive season.

So here it is – our first ever blog for Discovery Holiday Homes, focusing on fun things to do around Christmas in South East England. It’s entitled, rather imaginatively, ‘Top 10 Festive Activities in the South East this Christmas’…


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