Honesty is the Best Policy: Why You Must Always Tell the Truth in Travel Content

When it comes to travel content writing, it can sometimes be tempting to massage the truth about a destination, resort or airline. After all, it isn’t always an easy task to seek out the positives of a grey hotel block in Benidorm that’s six miles from the beach; omitting some information or smoothing the rough edges can seem the simpler option. But travel content has a duty and obligation to be informative and accurate for its audience, as well as inspiring and salesy for its client. Not only is giving an accurate picture the moral thing to do, but it also ensures audience expectations are realistic, allowing them to make an informed choice about their travel arrangements.

We asked our expert travel content writers at World Words for their advice about how to ensure your travel copy is always honest. Taking the example of a hotel, we collated five of their top tips on writing truthful travel content.

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The Best Bargain London Markets: An Online Travel Guidebook for Buggl

Spring is just around the corner in our part of the world, which means it’s times to emerge from our indoor cocoons, shed our winter wear and brave the big bad world outside.

That’s why, when writing our latest series of London guides for travel guide website Buggl, we thought we’d turn our attention to the great outdoors and give a run-down of the capital’s best outdoor markets. Markets are something London does rather well, from Columbia Road’s striking bevy of blooms to the long-running Petticoat Lane Market and its stacks of brightly coloured textiles and clothing.

Of course, it’s not the first time we’ve shared our London secrets with Buggl. In the past, we’ve produced online travel guides showcasing city highlights ranging from East London’s best curry houses to best theatres outside the West End, as well as the great London parks for when you need to escape the city’s concrete and crowds.

Planning a spot of shopping in London? Scroll down for our insider selection of our recommended markets. To see this travel guide in its entirety, head over to the Buggl website, where you can download it free of charge.

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