Monthly Archives: March 2015

Always Plan Ahead: Why Every Travel Company Needs an Editorial Calendar

In the past, we’ve discussed some of the content weapons every travel brand should have in their arsenal, from a company blog to the all-important style guide. And this time around, we’re focusing on another must-have: the editorial calendar. As the old saying goes, ‘Fail to prepare, prepare to fail’. It is advice we should all heed. Try to tackle a marathon without any training or embark on a desert trek without water and the outcome won’t be pretty.

If you’re looking to make a significant impact with your travel content, first you must make a travel content plan…

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A Warm Welcome to the World Words Team – Melissa, Staff Content Writer

This week, we are delighted to announce the arrival of our newest member of the World Words team – Melissa.

Melissa will be joining our Edinburgh office as a staff travel content writer, so you can expect to hear a whole lot more from her here on the World Words site, whether it’s writing on the blog or contributing to our client projects.

Let’s find out a little more about her…

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The Key to Travel Writing? Be Specific

In travel writing, details are everything. What good is it to describe a paradise beach if you neglect to mention the giant development looming up behind it? Why write about toe-curlingly expensive haute cuisine if your audience are budget travellers? How can you justify promoting cheap off-season travel if you don’t mention the monsoons?

We have discussed a number of travel writing tips and techniques in the past on our blog, from crafting a winning opening all the way to ending with a bang. But today, we’re offering a much broader piece of advice; one that can be put into practice at every stage of your writing journey, from pitching and research through writing and editing.

Be specific.

The fact is, specificity is key throughout the writing process, from identifying your target audience to conducting research to telling your story. Here are just some of the ways in which it pays to be specific in your travel writing.

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A Travel Startup That Helps You Give Back – A Blog for From the Grapevine

Over the past few years, a crop of travel startups, including the likes of Aribnb and TripIt, have transformed the travel industry. They’ve been breaking the mould of what’s gone before with new and innovative ideas, some of which have changed the way we travel.

In our latest article for From the Grapevine, we took a closer look at a brand spanking new travel startup – an exciting New York-based venture called is an online marketplace for socially responsible travel activities. The tours they offer are global in scope, covering destinations from the Philippines to Peru, Senegal to Tanzania, and many more besides. Working with nonprofits and community organisations, offers a way for tourists and travellers to engage in responsible and ethical tourism. Want to learn more about what they do? Scroll down to read an excerpt from our interview, which features insights from co-founder Michal Alter.

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