Monthly Archives: May 2019

Going Mobile: Creating Travel Content That is Smartphone and Tablet Friendly

In the modern world, smartphone-friendly content is vital. Mobile is no longer man afterthought when it comes to producing content, and quite rightly – the stats for users accessing websites on phones and tablets are up year on year. With phones increasingly the primary – and even sole – device for users, it’s no wonder so many brands now follow a mobile-first approach when designing their content. Luckily for us, travel content thrives on mobile.

For those of us in the travel industry, there are several advantages when it comes to making travel content work for mobile. Effective travel content is fundamentally very visual, and lends itself well to mobile-friendly formats that tend to prioritise images and concise information over reams and reams of text. So if you’re planning your travel content for the months ahead, here are some of our top tips to ensure it’ll be a hit with phones and tablets too…

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Our Travels: Patagonia, Chile

If there is just one thing you need to know about World Words writers and editors, it is that we love to travel. And we don’t just mean two weeks on a Spanish beach or a weekend break to New York (though we wouldn’t say no to either) – we go out and explore some of the most interesting, adventurous and often lesser-visited destinations in the world. Right now, you can find our team members traversing pretty much every continent, having incredible experiences that will help inform the expert travel content we create for our clients. Yes, we know… it’s a hard life.

Once a month or so, we like to share some of our team’s recent trips on our blog, in a series we call Our Travels. Regular readers will know we’ve previously covered everywhere from India to The Gambia and from Canada to Thailand. This month, World Words’ editor-in-chief Joe is heading to South America. In fact, he is heading to the very south of South America – Patagonia. Scroll on down to read his account of his eventful Chilean adventure…

Joe hiking along a section of the five-day ‘W’ trail through Parque Nacional Torres del Paine.

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The Art of the Content Brief – Part Two: How Writers Can Follow a Detailed Brief

Any travel content writer with even a little experience will attest that a clear, detailed and unambiguous client brief is hugely appreciated. After all, it makes the writer’s job so much easier. The more you can know about the wants, needs, goals and preferences of a client, the easier it is to write content that meets – and ideally exceeds – their expectations. Clients and editors expect writers to know their requirements inside out, and having this information written in black and white – and available for repeated reference throughout the writing process – is a huge help.

Yet, just as important as having a good client brief, is knowing how to follow it effectively. At World Words, we have a wealth of experience in both following client briefs and creating our own editorial briefs for writers, so we know how to make the process as straightforward as possible. From reading the brief again and again – and again! – to making sure you take style guides seriously, here are our top tips for following a travel content brief to the letter…

(This is part two of our mini series on a travel briefs. Last month, we offered advice on how to write a great brief).

Man writing outdoors Continue reading