Why You Should Insist on Consistency

There are many varied ways in which you can approach style, grammar and tone when writing original travel web copy. Yet what matters most is not how you choose to write content, but that you always write with consistency.

For writers and editors alike, consistency shows your attention to detail, and is a vital way in which to present a unified and cohesive voice across a number of different topics. Writing is not unlike a bread dough: without good consistency, it all falls apart. So how do you ensure consistency throughout an article, a website or even an entire publication? We have outlined some of the most important reasons for consistency, and how to achieve it, below.


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Five Tips for Effective Content Editing

In content, editing is everything. The writers may have the ideas and put them down on the page, often with great panache, spot-on metaphors and a killer turn of phrase, but even the best can benefit from an editor. Editors will translate writers’ shrewd observations and wandering thoughts into the best and most readable version possible.

The best travel content inspires its readers. For travel publications, that means keeping the reader captivated with a compelling narrative, while for travel companies it’s about inspiring readers to the point of purchase. In every case, editing is an essential way to ensure your content does its job as well as it possibly can.

Hot on the heels of our previous blog, a checklist for editing travel content, we’ve come up with five more pieces of advice to ensure the effectiveness of your editing process. So scroll down to read our expert editing advice…

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Battle of the Sexes: Are Women Better Writers Than Men?

The good folks over at Grammarly, an automated grammar checker and grammar coach, have been trying to find the answer to an age-old question: When it comes to writing chops, which sex has the upper hand?

They polled 3,000 men and women to find out which writing traits were associated with which gender and the answers can be found in this infographic below.


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