The Best Type of Travel Blog? Here are 10

As any successful travel writer knows, creating an engaging travel blog or online article is not as easy as simply typing out your unedited thoughts. If you want to lure in readers and attract web traffic, you’ll need a better plan.

It goes without saying that quality is paramount. At the same time, most travel writers don’t have the luxury of just sitting around and waiting for that ‘lightbulb’ moment. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your written travel content or for new formats to shake up your blog, here are 10 types of travel blogs that help increase web traffic.

Don’t just sit around waiting for inspiration

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Looking To Improve Your Travel Content Writing? Discover Our Seven Expert Tips

A quick Google search for ‘travel article’ turns up a rather intimidating 1.2 billion results. It can feel as though every company in the world is churning out travel content… so how can you possibly hope to stand out from the crowd?

The reality is, there are lots of ways you can improve from your written travel content. From employing humour to embracing multimedia, honing your message to signing off in style, here are seven top tips from our expert team.


What’s your point?

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What Makes a Great Travel Pitch?

In our last travel writing advice post, we looked at ways to find fresh angles and original travel content ideas. But finding a good idea is only the beginning – once you’ve done that, you still need to market that idea. It’s time to write up that all-important travel pitch. For many aspiring travel writers, this is the most difficult part of the process.

While hopeful writers busy themselves wrangling their own thoughts, ideas and experiences into a saleable travel story, commissioners have to sift through what must seem like a never-ending influx of proposals. They too face difficult choices, having to discern what – if anything – will work for their readership and whether the freelancer will be able to deliver the job to their standards. To help both the commissioner and the commissionee through the arduous pitching process, we’ve collated six important questions – ones that writers should ask themselves before they press send, and ones editors can use to identify a winning pitch. Simply scroll down to read them all.

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Writing Travel Content? How to Invent New Ideas and Fresh Angles Every Time

In the world of travel writing, a never-before-covered story is the holy grail. Whether you are a magazine editor looking for the next big thing in travel or a tourism brand trying to ensure your blog stands out from the crowd, you find yourself on a never-ending quest for new, original ideas. Or, at the least, a fresh take on an older story.

So how do you sniff out a good travel story? Anyone who has ever tried will testify it isn’t easy; but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. We drew on the experience of our travel writing team to come up with some helpful tips.

photo-1429277096327-11ee3b761c93 Continue reading