Monthly Archives: January 2020

High School Language Student Travel Itineraries for Educational Journeys

At World Words, we do all kinds of travel content writing, from web copy to destination guides, magazine articles to blog posts. But one of our favourite kinds of travel content to write is tour itineraries, as it gives us a chance to use a combination of our destination expertise, travel nous and research skills to do a deep-dive on destinations.

So when we were approached by the learning-focused travel agency Educational Journeys earlier this year, we were delighted. They wanted us to write a series of travel itineraries for Australian high school students. While the educational focus of the itineraries could vary from history to languages, they all required passionate and inspiring content that would appeal to teachers, parents and students alike. This was just the kind of challenge we relish.

Scroll forward to December 2019, and we have completed dozens of itineraries for Educational Journeys already, with more to come next year. For a taste of the work we are doing, scroll down for extracts from three itineraries…

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Knowing Your Audience: How to Choose the Right Content for the Right People

Long gone are the days when online content was written for the benefit of Google alone. Packed with keywords and soullessly written simply to trick the bots into pushing the website up in search rankings, it didn’t make for enjoyable reading for real people. Thankfully, the online content of today is a whole different ball game. Original, engaging, juicy content that answers questions, enlightens or inspires online readers is the name of the game.

The key however, is delivering the right content to the right people. On these pages, you’ll find all kinds of advice on creating high quality travel content, from considering article length and structure, to using imagery to inspire your copy, to ensuring content works for mobile. Yet none of it matters if you don’t know who the content is for.

Knowing your audience is one of the foundation blocks of travel writing. It affects not just the subject matter, but the tone of voice, the language used, and even the style of the content. So read on to discover why you should be providing your content writing team with as much information about your target audience as you possibly can.

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