Monthly Archives: September 2016

Cultural Sensitivity and Travel Content

After returning from a trip, travellers are usually consumed by an overwhelming desire to tell everyone about the amazing experience they have had. This is what a travel writer is paid to do in the most eloquent way possible. However, it can also be the hardest part to master when it comes to depicting and representing other cultures.

Cultural sensitivity should be paramount when writing travel content, but it is often sorely overlooked. Mariellen Ward of the Breathedreamgo travel blog has discussed the dangers of cultural imperialism (or the belief that your way of life is better) in travel writing, while photographer Bani Amor has criticised colonialism in travel literature.

When writing about location, ethnicity and society, there are certain to be complicated politics that come into play. Although there’s no one-size-fits-all phrasebook to help travel writers avoid all controversy in their content, there are helpful tricks for traversing this complicated terrain. Scroll down to read the advice of the World Words team.

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More of Our Top Autumn Travel Content

Autumn has well and truly arrived: there’s a nip in the air, a peppering of russet on the trees and decorative gourd displays every which way we look. It’s one of our favourite times of year, so we’re sharing some more of our best autumnal travel content (just in case you missed it, here’s our previous selection of fabulous fall-themed content).

First up, we pulled out an article we wrote on an increasingly popular phenomenon: light festivals. This blog post was originally penned back in March, but we felt it was a timely inclusion, as one of the highlights of the light art calendar, Prague’s Signal Festival, gets underway this October. And speaking of autumn festivals, we’ve also dug up our write-ups of London’s Totally Thames and Merge festivals, which take place this September and October.

And because autumn also coincides with wine harvest season in much of the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll find a feature we wrote back in 2014 on the ultimate Napa Valley weekend. Last but not least, for those planning some last-minute autumn trips, we have included a recent travel guide to Ireland we wrote for Oliver’s Travels. We think the Irish landscapes are arguably at their most beautiful when hues of gold, orange and red invade all that green.

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Our Travels: Corsica, France

The content team at World Words have a real passion for travelling. Well, what else do you expect from dedicated travel content writers? Our writers and editors are always busy exploring the globe, from inner-city culture to idyllic island escapes, and they love nothing more than sharing their experiences with others. That’s why we’ve created a brand new blog series called Our Travels, in which our team members share their experiences directly with you.

It all started last month, with this article from staff content writer Nathanael on the Isle of Harris. This month, editor-in-chief Joe takes us on a quick tour of Corsica, a majestic island in the Med – just 100 miles off the French coast.

Joe and Martina on board Star Flyer, with Calvi, Corsica in the background.

Joe and wife Martina on board Star Flyer, with Calvi, Corsica in the background.

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Our Best Autumn-Themed Travel Content

We hate to begin with bad news, but there’s no avoiding it: summer is over. However, rather than dwelling on the negatives (bye bye sunshine, sandals and copious amounts of ice cream), let’s instead focus on the positives.

Autumn is approaching and there are lots of exciting things on the horizon. If you are based in the UK, you can expect a flurry of festivals coming your way, including the UK-wide Museums at Night and London Open House. Not familiar with these events? You can find out more by reading our write-ups of the 2015 editions below. There are also rumours of an autumn heatwave arriving on UK shores. And though we have learnt not to put too much faith in the predictions of the Met Office, we have included our article on Devon’s top picnic spots just in case.

And that’s just the start…

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