Our Best Autumn-Themed Travel Content

We hate to begin with bad news, but there’s no avoiding it: summer is over. However, rather than dwelling on the negatives (bye bye sunshine, sandals and copious amounts of ice cream), let’s instead focus on the positives.

Autumn is approaching and there are lots of exciting things on the horizon. If you are based in the UK, you can expect a flurry of festivals coming your way, including the UK-wide Museums at Night and London Open House. Not familiar with these events? You can find out more by reading our write-ups of the 2015 editions below. There are also rumours of an autumn heatwave arriving on UK shores. And though we have learnt not to put too much faith in the predictions of the Met Office, we have included our article on Devon’s top picnic spots just in case.

And that’s just the start…

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How to Avoid Writer’s Block And Keep Your Travel Content Writing Flowing

Content, content, content. Quality travel content is in hot demand. Google is constantly on the hunt for it and so too are social media users. But how can you generate quality content day after day, week after week, month after month? When faced with a blank screen and — even worse — a blank mind, the prospect can be a little daunting.

What will I write about now? What will resonate with readers? As professional travel writers, these are questions we ask ourselves regularly. Letting the idea bank run dry is simply not an option. Nor is waiting for creativity to strike because, as any writer will attest, inspiration is nothing if not tardy.

Fortunately, there are ways and means of keeping content flowing and combating the dreaded content drought. Drawing on the broad experiences of our expert travel writers at World Words, we’ve come up with six tried-and-tested techniques that will help you generate fresh and engaging content ideas. Wave writer’s block goodbye…

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How to End Travel Content With a Bang: From Smart Callbacks to Shock Reveals

In travel content writing, endings matter. They are the last words the audience will read and, when done well, they have a tendency to linger. Great closing lines leave the reader with remnants of feelings and images, keeping the content alive in their minds long after they finish reading. A memorable ending is an asset to all forms of written travel content, whether you are penning a travel article or blog, a travel guide intro or even travel web page copy.

In a previous blog for World Words, we looked at the best ways to start your content. This time, we are turning our attention to the equally important conclusion. It may come last, but your ending should never be an afterthought…

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Getting off to the Best Start: How to Write a Winning Travel Writing Opener

Never underestimate the power of a good opening line. First paragraphs — even just first sentences — will dictate your reader engagement. While the headline hooks your reader’s attention, it’s the introduction that reels them in.

Travel writing relies heavily on storytelling (we spoke about this already in a previous blog post), but it’s important to remember that good stories don’t always begin at the beginning.

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