The Best Type of Travel Blog? Here are 10

As any successful travel writer knows, creating an engaging travel blog or online article is not as easy as simply typing out your unedited thoughts. If you want to lure in readers and attract web traffic, you’ll need a better plan.

It goes without saying that quality is paramount. At the same time, most travel writers don’t have the luxury of just sitting around and waiting for that ‘lightbulb’ moment. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your written travel content or for new formats to shake up your blog, here are 10 types of travel blogs that help increase web traffic.

Don’t just sit around waiting for inspiration

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How to Write Amazing Killer Headlines That Will Change Your Readers’ Lives!

When it comes to writing blog posts or web copy, your headline is your first impression. It is an ultimate do-or-die chance to grab attention and impress your reader. If you fail, everything else you’ve written is as good as wasted.

In the age of information overload, every Tom, Dick and Harry from Timbuktu to Slough is peddling content. But the truth is that no normal human being can possibly keep up with the constant onslaught. As a result, audiences have become extra discerning, quickly scanning and skimming through headlines to decide what is and isn’t of interest. The only weapon for content producers in the fight for clicks is an alluring, attention-grabbing headline. To help you reel in the readers, we’ve outlined the best approaches to writing killer headlines for your content…


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Still Life in the Old Blog: Why Travel Companies Should Keep On Blogging

Blogs have been around a long time. In fact, with a history stretching back into the dark days of the 1990s, in web terms they’re positively ancient. Yet there’s still life in the old blog – in fact, it has never been more essential for travel brands to have their own blog platforms. Research firms like PhoCusWright conclude that just shy of half of all travel sales in America and Europe now take place on the internet, while the number of people researching about travel online is likely to be even higher than that. The percentages are consistently growing year-on-year.

Yet despite the ever-increasing number of customers online, too many travel brands still steadfastly stick to old-fashioned marketing methods, failing to make the most of those exciting digital tools available, such as blogging.

Holidaygoers doing their research on the web are looking for up-to-date, candid and compelling information – so whether you are a hotel or a cruise company, a travel agent or a tourist board, you’re doing yourself a disservice by not having an active, relevant and regular travel blog. Below are five more reasons why blogging still matters.

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Avoiding Writer’s Block: How To Keep Your Travel Content Flowing Freely

Content, content, content. Quality travel content is in hot demand. Google is constantly on the hunt for it and so too are social media users. But how can you generate quality content day after day, week after week, month after month? When faced with a blank screen and — even worse — a blank mind, the prospect can be a little daunting.

What will I write about now? What will resonate with readers? As professional travel writers, these are questions we ask ourselves regularly. Letting the idea bank run dry is simply not an option. Nor is waiting for creativity to strike because, as any writer will attest, inspiration is nothing if not tardy.

Fortunately, there are ways and means of keeping content flowing and combating the dreaded content drought. Drawing on the broad experiences of our expert travel writers at World Words, we’ve come up with six tried-and-tested techniques that will help you generate fresh and engaging content ideas. Wave writer’s block goodbye…

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