Travel is one of the biggest joys and luxuries we have. To explore other places and experience cultures different to ours broadens our horizons, expands the mind, and encourages cross-cultural understanding. In a world that feels increasingly divided, travel unites, as well as helps to sustain livelihoods, support local communities and conserve natural and cultural heritage around the world. Travel is a great thing… but only if it’s done responsibly.
If you are a trusted company working in the travel sector, your customers value what you tell them. Through your approach to creating content, the terminology you use, and the experiences you highlight, you can make a vast impact on reducing harm to the environment or local communities. It can be minor tweaks and subtle suggestions or big, bold campaigns, but the bottom line is the same: if you consider how your words affect the environment, so will your readers. Scroll on to read some of the ways you can promote eco-conscious travel in your content…