Monthly Archives: September 2019

From Lithuania to The Ukraine: Country Guides for The Council of Europe (pt. 2)

Following on from our post earlier this month (if you haven’t read it, you’ll need to click here right now), we’ve put together another selection of the country guides we wrote for Routes4U. A little refresher… Routes4U is an online trip planner, focusing on destinations all across the continent, which are divided into four macro-regions. It’s a joint venture between the Council of Europe and the European Union, and we were tasked with writing a total of 11 of their country guides. Each guide would include a country overview, practical travel info, individual city coverage with things to see and do, and concise summaries of the various regional travel routes they wanted to promote.

All caught up? Excellent! Then scroll on down to read snippets from five more of the country guides we wrote…

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Our Travels: Andorra

At this precise moment in time, there are World Words team members dotted all over the world. Literally. All over the world. It’s inevitable, really – when you are a team of travel content writers and editors, discovering far-flung corners of the globe isn’t only our greatest passion; it’s part of the job description. After all, it’s this on-the-ground expertise that allows us to create exactly the kind of well-informed, superior-quality content that our clients crave.

Every once in a while, we like to give our readers some insight into where on earth our team members are. And we do this through a blog series called, imaginatively, Our Travels. In the past, we’ve covered our writers’ trips to everywhere from Lisbon to Luang Prabang, Guatemala to The Gambia. This time, it’s the European microstate of Andorra. Scroll down to read about our editor-in-chief Joe’s trip, the realisation to a 17-year-long travel ambition…

Joe standing outside Sant Joan de Caselles Church, his first stop on a long-awaited trip to Andorra.

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From Czechia to Latvia: Our Destination Guides for The Council of Europe (pt. 1)

One of the most common content writing requests we get is for destination travel guides. Over the years we have written guides for everyone from TravelSupermarket to Fodor’s Travel. And thanks to our large network of expert travel writers based all over the world, we’re regularly asked by clients to write about their neck of the woods too.

That’s what happened earlier this summer, when we were approached by the Council of Europe, an organisation committed to upholding human rights and democracy throughout the continent. They were looking to launch an online trip planner within Europe, and were looking for writers to help. The project, which was a joint venture with the European Union, was to be called Routes4U. It would focus on destinations throughout the continent, divided into four macro-regions, and we were tasked with writing guides for 11 of the countries. Each guide would feature a country overview, practical travel information, individual city guides with points of interest, and pithy summaries of the cross-continental travel routes they wanted to promote in the region. Naturally, we were delighted to help.

Scroll on down to read snippets from six of the country guides we contributed to the project. The remainder will follow in another blog very soon. Can’t wait that long? Then visit the website to see all the guides in one place…

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