How to End Travel Content With a Bang: From Smart Callbacks to Shock Reveals

In travel content writing, endings matter. They are the last words the audience will read and, when done well, they have a tendency to linger. Great closing lines leave the reader with remnants of feelings and images, keeping the content alive in their minds long after they finish reading. A memorable ending is an asset to all forms of written travel content, whether you are penning a travel article or blog, a travel guide intro or even travel web page copy.

In a previous blog for World Words, we looked at the best ways to start your content. This time, we are turning our attention to the equally important conclusion. It may come last, but your ending should never be an afterthought…

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Once Upon a Time: How to Tell a Great Story in Your Written Travel Content

From first-person adventure articles in travel magazines to storytelling TV adverts for tourism brands, narrative has always played an important role in travel content writing. Just laying out the cold hard facts doesn’t always do the trick – even the most avid of travellers need a little inspiration and encouragement to visit a new place, try a new service or buy a new product; being told to do so isn’t enough. That’s where telling a compelling story can help.

Read on for examples of great travel narratives, and advice on how to use storytelling in your own content writing.

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12 Tacky Travel Writing Clichés to Avoid

Every writer and editor has their personal peccadilloes about overused travel writing terms such as ‘off the beaten path’ or ‘sun-drenched’, but individual qualms shouldn’t mean a blanket ban on these phrases. These may all be overused clichés, but sometimes — to borrow another particularly well-worn cliché — they hit the nail on the head.

However, there are some words and formulaic travel phrases that are so overused, they are positively exhausted. Many of them are churned out so regularly in travel writing that they have lost all meaning, and no longer register with readers. And yet, thanks to writerly laziness, these hackneyed phrases keep on cropping up again and again.

We have named and shamed 12 of the worst offenders below; our very own dirty dozen of travel writing clichés.


Not a quaff

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The Best Type of Travel Blog? Here are 10

As any successful travel writer knows, creating an engaging travel blog or online article is not as easy as simply typing out your unedited thoughts. If you want to lure in readers and attract web traffic, you’ll need a better plan.

It goes without saying that quality is paramount. At the same time, most travel writers don’t have the luxury of just sitting around and waiting for that ‘lightbulb’ moment. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your written travel content or for new formats to shake up your blog, here are 10 types of travel blogs that help increase web traffic.

Don’t just sit around waiting for inspiration

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