Our Travels: Southwest Belarus

We are an extremely well-travelled bunch here at World Words. Between us, we’ve been to literally hundreds of countries in all four corners of the world (personally, I’ve been to more than 80). Of course, much of this is in the name of work, allowing us to provide comprehensive destination expertise for our clients. But some of it is simply for the pure joy of travel. After all, we all chose to be travel writers because, first and foremost, we love to travel.

This Our Travels blog series allows us to share our passion for overseas adventures directly with you. So far, we have recounted our tales from a whole host of destinations right around the world, from Quebec City to Northern Oman, Isla Canela to Alaska. And this month, we are venturing deep into previously undiscovered territory, with one of the least-visited countries in Europe (for now). So join our editor-in-chief Joe on his trip through Belarus…


Joe taking a break from tracking European bison in Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park.

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Articles for Brummell Magazine

ExpediaHappy New Year from everybody at World Words!

We received an unexpected Christmas present in late 2013, as we learnt that two articles we had written more than a year earlier (and had all but forgotten about) had been published in Brummell Magazine. They were…



Both are now available on the website for your perusal – simply click the article titles above – and we hope there’ll be many more to come in 2014.

Until then…