Eight Grammar Rules Made to Be Broken

Scroll to the comments section of any online travel article and chances are you will find the grammar police up in arms. Yet not all grammar rules are inviolable laws. The truth is, language is malleable and constantly evolving. Perfect grammar may be the ideal, but when it comes to travel content writing, clear communication is preferable.

Good writing is about communication with an audience, so good writers should not blindly follow syntactic rules at the expense of clarity. Here are a just a few anti-grammar tips to help you improve your travel writing technique.


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Why Every Brand Needs Its Own Style Guide (and Especially Travel Brands)

It is a dilemma experienced by every brand. You know the written content that your company produces needs to be consistent, but the quantity of content required means that you’re employing multiple writers to work on it. So how do you ensure everyone is (ahem) on the same page? The answer is easy: by creating your own style guide.

We look at why style guides are essential for all companies – and why they are particularly vital for travel brands.

What’s your stance on exclamation marks?

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10 Types of Travel Blog That Will Increase Your Website Traffic

As any successful travel writer knows, creating an engaging travel blog or online article is not as easy as simply typing out your unedited thoughts. If you want to lure in readers and attract web traffic, you need a better plan.

It goes without saying that quality is paramount. At the same time, most travel writers don’t have the luxury of just sitting around and waiting for that lightbulb moment. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your written travel content or for new formats to shake up your blog, here are 10 types of travel blogs that help increase web traffic.

Don’t lounge around waiting for inspiration

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12 Travel Writing Clichés to Avoid

Everyone has their personal peccadilloes about travel writing terms like ‘off the beaten path’ or ‘sun-drenched’, but individual qualms shouldn’t mean a blanket ban on these phrases. These may be overused clichés, but sometimes — to borrow another particularly well-worn cliché — they hit the nail on the head.

However, there are some words and formulaic travel phrases that are so overused, they are positively exhausted. Many of them are churned out so regularly in travel writing that they have lost all meaning, and no longer register with readers. And yet, thanks to writerly laziness, these hackneyed phrases keep cropping up again and again.

We’ve named and shamed 12 of the worst offenders below; our own dirty dozen of travel writing clichés.


Not a quaff

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