If there’s one thing that World Words writers and editors enjoy doing even more than travelling, it’s writing about travelling. Lucky, really, considering that’s our job. But for every trip that’s undertaken for a commission – whether it’s an article or blog post, a travel itinerary, or a client’s website content – there are also the moments we decide to down tools and head out on the open road for our own personal pleasure. That’s where Our Travels comes in.
This blog series allows our team to share some of their recent, personal travel adventures. In the past, they have written about everywhere from Corsica to Canada, Crete to the Cayman Islands, and this time it’s the turn of our intrepid editor-in-chef Joe and his recent Christmas trip to São Miguel in the Azores. Scroll down to read about it…

Joe and his wife Marti at the viewpoint overlooking Lagoa do Fogo on São Miguel.