Monthly Archives: February 2021

From Thailand to Tunisia: Destination Guide Website Copy for loveholidays

In late 2020, we were approached by loveholidays (the UK’s fastest-growing online travel agency) about adding some detailed travel guide content to various destination pages on their website. Specifically, they wanted 1,750 words of content for each page, written to a strict format that included sections like ‘things to do’, ‘food and drink’ and ‘FAQs’. Naturally, we were delighted to help. After completing an initial batch of 10 pages, we were then given a large, monthly commission to deliver pages in batches. To date, we’ve completed literally hundreds of different destination pages, varying from entire countries and major cities down to small islands and even specific resorts.

Below are short extracts from just five of the guides we’ve written over the last few months – that’s one for each of Asia, North America, Europe, The Caribbean and Africa. Simply scroll down to read them. If you want to enjoy the full guides – and get some great holiday offers – you can click the links through to the loveholidays website…

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Our Travels: Snowdonia, Wales

As regular readers of the Our Travel blogs will know, our team of intrepid travel content writers are always on the go – even during a global pandemic (local lockdowns permitting, of course). From the cosmopolitan chic of San Francisco to the tropical bliss of Indonesia’s Gili Islands to the big game of Samburu Reserve in Kenya, they get itchy feet if they’re not planning their next escape (then returning home and reliving it by writing blogs like this!)

While far flung destinations are always enticing, we are also big advocates of discovering the delights that are on our respective doorsteps. In fact, one of the few bright spots of all the recent Covid-related travel restrictions has been having the time and the excuse to explore local attractions a little more thoroughly. With that in mind, World Words writer Samantha Wilson – along with her husband and young daughter – recently set off for a wintry break in the wilds of Snowdonia National Park in northwest Wales. You can scroll on to read all about her experiences…

Samantha with her family at Castell y Bere, the remains of the castle built by Llywelyn the Great.

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