A Travel Startup That Helps You Give Back – A Blog for From the Grapevine

Over the past few years, a crop of travel startups, including the likes of Aribnb and TripIt, have transformed the travel industry. They’ve been breaking the mould of what’s gone before with new and innovative ideas, some of which have changed the way we travel.

In our latest article for From the Grapevine, we took a closer look at a brand spanking new travel startup – an exciting New York-based venture called Visit.org. Visit.org is an online marketplace for socially responsible travel activities. The tours they offer are global in scope, covering destinations from the Philippines to Peru, Senegal to Tanzania, and many more besides. Working with nonprofits and community organisations, Visit.org offers a way for tourists and travellers to engage in responsible and ethical tourism. Want to learn more about what they do? Scroll down to read an excerpt from our interview, which features insights from Visit.org co-founder Michal Alter.

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Our First Ever Buzzfeed-style Blog

At World Words, we always like to try new things. So we have taken a big leap to create our first Buzzfeed-style post.


The blog combines GIFs, videos and images (as well as text) to highlight Valentine’s Day traditions around the world.

The blog, which was created for the language learning company Pimsleur Approach, can be read/watched here

We already have other multimedia blogs in the pipeline, but as this was our first we thought it was worth a mention…