It’s no secret that the last year hasn’t been especially kind to the tourism industry. Covid continues to disrupt travel plans for people everywhere by grounding flights, emptying hotels and shuttering attractions. Naturally, it’s been a tricky time for the writers and editors at World Words, who not only need to travel for their work but also love to do so for pleasure – as regular readers of our Our Travels blog series will know. (Not a regular? Dive into our archive).
However, some of us have managed to explore a little in the last year – and that includes our editor-in-chief Joe. Back in August and September, he spent six weeks travelling throughout neighbouring Austria and Hungary for two different guidebook commissions. And there was one stop along the way he loved so much, he decided to feature it in both guidebooks. Scroll down to read about Joe’s experience in the beautiful border city of Sopron…

A sweeping view of Sopron’s Pauline-Carmelite Monastery, now a one-of-a-kind hotel and restaurant.