Blog Bites: Clippings of Three Recent Travel Blogs Written by World Words

Another month has flown by and our travel writers have been busy scribbling away and creating a variety of travel blogs. To give you a little taster of what we’ve been up to, we’ve picked out three of our recently published blogs, which cover a variety of travel-related topics from cruising to health and wellness.

First, we delved into the delights of the northern Italian spa town of Salsomaggiore Terme for Live Adventurously. Next, we took a long hard look at Fred Olsen’s luxurious cruise ships to give readers of Bolsover Cruise Club‘s blog the inside scoop on the best vessels on the seven seas. Then, we scoured the web to hunt down the crème-de-la-crème of travel content for our September Travel Roundup for Pimsleur Approach.

Here is a short extract from each of these blogs — all written by our expert travel writing team.

Live Adventurously: Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy 

“Amid the olive groves and lush hills of Parma, this tranquil spa town is located in the Emilia-Romagna region of Northern Italy. Salsomaggiore Terme’s name is derived from the Italian for ‘saline water’. And in this world-renowned wellness destination, salt and water are what it’s all about. This region is home to a unique and intensely salty thermal water, known to scientists by the not-so-catchy name of bromo-iodine-salt water. 

Name aside, the town’s water has a lot going for it. Not only does it have a high content of sodium chloride, iodine and bromide, but it is also rich in various precious trace elements, all of which bestow it with healing, therapeutic qualities. This water and the extracted salts can — and are — used to help treat and prevent many health problems, from arthritis and respiratory complaints to cellulite. As an added bonus, they’re brilliantly effective when it comes to skin disorders.”

Want to know more about Salsomaggiore Terme? Read the rest of our blog here.

Bolsover: Which Fred Olsen Cruise Ship is For Me?

Next up, say ahoy to the Braemar, which we have chosen as the best ship for relaxation in the mighty Fred Olsen fleet. Read an excerpt from our blog post below.

Braemar is a great choice for those looking to unwind and escape everyday stresses, whether that means lounging around with no plans, or letting off some steam by engaging in fun-filled leisure activities. It’s the ideal place to soak up some sunshine, with two outdoor swimming pools and large open deck spaces for sunbathing.

You can linger over honey and whiskey crème brulee at the casual Palms Café, or curl up with a cup of coffee in one of the Braemar Room’s comfortable armchairs. You can stay in your pyjamas all day and order complimentary room service, choosing from options like cheesecake, sandwiches or ploughman’s platters. If you feel like dancing your cares away in the evening, head to the Skylark Club disco; or have a more low-key night sipping cocktails and enjoying an intimate music performance in the chic Coral Club.”

Want to know which Fred Olsen ships are best for solo travellers, food lovers or culturists? Heav over to Bolsover’s blog, where you can read the full post. You can get there by clicking here.


Pimsleur Approach: September’s Top Travel Links

Now, onto the last in our trio of travel blogs. This one was written for language learning company Pimsleur Approach and it lists our pick of the best travel links for the month of September.

“Carole King sang that “it might as well rain until September,” but we think the tipping point from summer to autumn is one of the best times to go traveling. Still need convincing? Read on…

You would have to have been hiding under a rock not to know about THAT reclining airline seat spat, but this NY Times columnist looks at the story from a cool, financial angle. Speaking of chilly, Ireland — where you can experience four seasons in one hour — isn’t usually noted for its beaches. But that’s a mistake, according to the Irish Independent newspaper. Just remember to take a sweater.

Travel books always get us a little excited, and if this review of Karl Whitney’s “Hidden City” from British paper The Telegraph doesn’t make you want to run out and buy it, we don’t know what will.

Lastly, because we can’t get enough of those folks from Down Under, proof that you can always trust an Australian paper to spotlight Parisian homelessness. Neat.”

That’s just the beginning. We’ve also got recommendations for travel news, travel images and travel videos. In order to see all our top picks, you’ll simply have to read the rest on Pimsleur’s blog. Get there by clicking here.

Want to see more of our blogs? You can find them here, right next to our latest projects. Then, why not join us on Twitter for news of our latest blogs and fave travel content, as well as our top travel writing tips and advice.

Paris image courtesy of  Moyan Brenn via Flickr; Salsomaggiore Terme image via Wikimedia Commons; Braemar image courtesy of Bolsover

2 thoughts on “Blog Bites: Clippings of Three Recent Travel Blogs Written by World Words

  1. I’m thinking about taking a cruise and this run-down of Fred Olsen ships has been very useful for me – thank you!

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