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{"id":12427,"date":"2021-06-01T09:10:34","date_gmt":"2021-06-01T08:10:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/world-words.com\/?p=12427"},"modified":"2021-06-02T12:50:21","modified_gmt":"2021-06-02T11:50:21","slug":"topical-or-evergreen-how-to-choose-the-right-approach-for-your-content","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/world-words.com\/topical-or-evergreen-how-to-choose-the-right-approach-for-your-content\/","title":{"rendered":"Topical or Evergreen? How to Choose the Right Approach for Your Content"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Writing online content is a time-consuming process, yet one\nwhich is vital to your brand and marketing. The online arena offers the chance\nto really connect with your customers or readers, and to provide them with\nvaluable and genuine information. Yet there\u2019s a lot that goes into creating the\nperfect online content and making it work for your business the way you want it\nto. And one of the important factors to decide on is the type of content you\nput out. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

We\u2019re going to take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of writing topical versus evergreen content. Of course, both have their place – but what’s the right option for your content? We\u2019ll explore what the differences really are, and delve into when and why you should opt for one over the other. Scroll on down to find out more…<\/p>\n\n\n\n


What is topical content?<\/strong>
As the name suggests, topical content is timely and relevant content that’s typically connected to a current event. It\u2019s designed to highlight a particular moment in time, which can help create a major spike in traffic to your blog or website but naturally limits its long-term appeal. Basically it\u2019s a \u2018hot topic\u2019 piece which is generating a buzz. It is usually highly searchable too, with current events attracting more searches from prospective travellers which, in turn, directs them to your business. Within the travel industry, topical content could be focused on events such as:<\/p>\n\n\n\n